Rastrear mi celular desde google maps

Last updated December 19, New pricing changes went into effect on July 16, For more information, check out the Guide for Existing Users.

Below is a map that can identify your present location. The sample below shows the entire code you need to create this map. The Geolocation service failed.

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Makes the sample page fill the window. If the permission is essential for the app to function, the app can disable all its functionality and inform the user that they need to grant the permission. The following code sample checks for permission using the Support library before enabling the My Location layer:. The following sample handles the result of the permission request by implementing the ActivityCompat.

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For more code samples and best practices for Android runtime permissions, see the documentation for the Android permissions model. You can use the My Location layer and the My Location button to show your user their current position on the map. When the My Location layer is enabled, the My Location button appears in the top right corner of the map.

When a user clicks the button, the camera centers the map on the current location of the device, if it is known.

Try it yourself

The location is indicated on the map by a small blue dot if the device is stationary, or as a chevron if the device is moving. The following screenshot shows the My Location button at top right and the My Location blue dot in the center of the map:.

You can prevent the My Location button from appearing by calling UiSettings. Always inform users of how you will use their data, and don't make it possible to identify individual users. Get user consent before using their location, and let them revoke consent at any time.

¿Cómo activo la función de rastreo de Google Maps?

It includes functionality that lets you:. The location APIs make it easy for you to build power efficient, location-aware applications. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3. For details, see our Site Policies. Last updated December 19, New pricing changes went into effect on July 16, For more information, check out the Guide for Existing Users. Code samples The ApiDemos repository on GitHub includes samples that demonstrate the use of location on a map: Actual lamentablemente habr crédito, debe generar un archivo, windows mobile y symbian.

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Code samples

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