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IoT hack: how to break a smart home… again

Capturas de pantalla iPhone iPad. Novedades Historial de actualizaciones Historial de actualizaciones 2. Hemos cambiado los mapas a Google Maps! Perfeccionamos la app para que funcione genial con iOS Therefore, once downloading it, anyone can easily revise the files inside it and analyze them.

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We found that the password from the root account in the shadow file is encrypted with the Data Encryption Standard DES algorithm. We explored the device physically, but of course not everyone would be able to do this.

However, our further analysis showed there are other options to gain remote access over it. For hub control, users can either use a special mobile application or a web-portal through which they can set up a personal configuration and check all the connected systems.

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To implement it, the owner sends a command for synchronization with the hub. At that moment, all settings are packed in the config. But as we can see, the config. So, hackers can send the same request with an arbitrary serial number, and download an archive. Some might think that serial numbers are very unique, but developers prove otherwise: And the security consequences will not be long in coming.

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While analyzing the config. Although the password is encrypted in the archive, it can be broken by hash decryption with the help of publicly available tools and open-sourced password databases.

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  6. Todo sobre Backtrack - La herramienta de los hackers Pros | WifiBit.

Importantly, during the initial registration of a user account in the system, there are no password complexity requirements length, special characters, etc. This makes password extraction easier. The IP address is also listed there. It is also possible that there might be other personal sensitive information in the archive, given the fact that users often upload their phone numbers into the system to receive alerts and notifications.

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We reported all the information about the discovered vulnerabilities to the vendor, which are now being fixed. However, it also surprised us with a few — but still worrying — security issues. Bien venidos al mundo le los piratas! Ahora ya no llevan sombrero con calavera, loro en ristre, parche en el ojo y pata de palo si no que son seres mas bien gorditos, con granos y coleta que pasan horas y horas delante de sus pantallas. En ocasiones nos hacen la vida imposible pero otras muchas nos simplifican las cosas y nos ahorran unos eurillos Gracias por este post señor eded! XDD me gustan tus comentarios a las 4 de la mañana de borrachera.

Como ves, el post es de hace dos añitos Hola pues de provar prove todos los programas con una red de jaztel y me pone ke no puede encontrar la contrasena porke tiene noseke de verde. Buen aporte y felicidades al autor, el pulwifi es un programón, aunque ya no esté en play store me lo bajé por otra vía: D También recomiendo leer el siguiente artículo: Muy bonito Maria Jesus, instruyendo a los cibernautas para que roben contraseñas de WiFi, tan linda y haciendo esas cosas Hola me gustaria saber su opinion enr elacion a la empresa Ono, ya que yo estoy bastate disgustado con el servicio.