Direccion del rastro de tlalnepantla

Toluca, April 18, Texcoco, April 20, Toluca, April 29, Oaxaca, April 30, Guadalajara, May 11, Correspondencia particular del Gobernador de Jalisco. Mexico, May 13, Hotel Iturbide, Mexico, May 17, Plan for railway system for Mexico; plan for easing internal dissension; economic benefits; military benefits from unified railway system; representative General Palmer; cost of delays. Tenancingo, May 23, Hardricourt, May 29, Use of medicinal baths; visit to Normandy; relatives of Iturrigaray; occupation of country by Prussians; social changes anticipated; English packet; Vicente.

Toluca, June 2, Zumpango, June 2, Government unable to pay employees because of revolution; extension of drainage of lakes suggested to provide work for unemployed; engineer costs. Meeting with Prado and Carresse; funds of the railway project; lottery results; extension to Tlalnepantla and Atzcapotzalco; price of rails. Request for interview; departure of General Palmer on French packet boat. Discussions with Don Encilio on railway to Toluca; benefits for Mexico.

Notificar abuso

Fragment; first page missing. Jajalpa, July 5, Buenavista, July 7, Buenavista, July 10, Tlalmanalco, July 10, Toluca, July 25, Guadalajara, July 26, Toluca, July 31, Mexico, July 31, Medina de Pomar, Provincia de Burgos, August 10, Invitation to dinner with President; other guests: Toluca, August 16, Toluca, August 21, Guadalajara, August 22, Tlalnepantla, August 29, Mexico, September 2, Toluca, September 12, Inauguration of hospital; lack of instructional equipment for education of orphan children; request for help.

Printed form; address written. Calle de Chiquis No. Otumba, September 23, Includes draft of answer to Manuel Mendiola, September 28, , showing discussion with Anza on the subject.

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Siglo XIX del Summary of expenses; distribution of drawings; plans for administration. Texcoco, September 30, Toluca, October 9, Request for use of influence with Lerdo on behalf of his father in Pachuca; Toluca. Hotel Gillon, October 11, Mexico, October 12, Decision sent to General W. Rosecrans on discussions with the Ministro de Fomento.

Mexico, October 13, Letters returned; meeting with Mancera declined; problem raised still under discussion. Atitalaquia, October 14, Suit with Hacienda de Tlalmelilpa? Toluca, October 14, Toluca, October 15, Letters for de la Torre, Rosas, Cervantes, and Terreros; hope to return money collected by Riva Palacio; expenses for Hospicio voted by Congreso; meeting between Governor and Administrador de Atenco recommended by Cervantes.

Mexico, October 22, Toluca, October 27, Cuernavaca, November 1, Correspondencia particular del Gobernador del Estado de Morelos. Assumption of office to replace Francisco Leyva temporarily, by virtue of position as President of the Tribunal Superior. Mexico, November 5, Toluca, November 6, Proposed interview with President on railway project; influence of Rosecrans. Mexico, November 9, Toluca, November 12, Illness with liver ailment; residence in Calle de Morelos, No.

Directorio de empresas en Estado de México

Texcoco, November 14, Resignation of Pedro Covarrubias as Juez 6. Toluca, November 15, Guadalajara, November 17, Mexico, November 23, Toluca, November 24, Delay in payments for railway; Sr. Copy of Defensor del Pueblo, proposing Vicente to be President of the Supreme Court; political question of liberals vs. Toluca, November 29, Appointment of Mariano to commission to congratulate Lerdo de Tejada on new office.

Toluca, December 10, Collections for the hospicio to be turned over to Sr.

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  7. Toluca, December 12, Guadalajara, December 16, Mexico, December 23, Request for help; loss of interests in Adyosingo Ayotzingo? Toluca, December 26, Addressed to 5 de Mayo No. Toluca, December 29, El Salitre to Mexico, January 6, Recovery from tifo; fear of quinine; exclusion of Mariano from Railway inaugural committee; report by Chucho from Toluca. Account of imprisonment; request for help from Mariano and from Guadalupe [Bros]. Toluca, January 24, Plan for honoring famous men. Chihuahua, January 27, Introduction for Francisco Urquidi to explain conditions in state; concern over decision pending in the Supremo Gobierno.

    Tenancingo, January 31, Toluca, April 2, Toluca, April 4, Toluca, April 15, Mexico, April 29, Ixtlahuaca, June 1, Has note by Don Mariano on delivery of speech from among his archives. Mexico, June 10, Notice of move from Calle de las Escalerillas No. Lagos, June 28, Toluca, July 3, Cuernavaca, July 11, Toluca, July 13, Tlalnepantla, July 13, Moreno, and Carlos Moreno.

    Toluca, July 14, Election of Don Mariano as Diputado; his portrait carried through streets with music and parade; birthday greetings; Moreno. Toluca, July 15, Toluca, July 16, Mexico, July 30, Toluca, August 20, Includes draft of two other letters:.

    Las nacas de tlalnepantla

    Toluca, September 2, Toluca, September 4, Toluca, September 5, Toluca, September 10, Toluca, September 27, Mexico, October 14, Toluca, November 2, Gift of cheese; cheese of Mocorito Sonora best in Mexico; attendance at Exposition; representation of Aguascalientes; comparison with Protestants; Portuguese expression; Poyo. Toluca, December 4, Tenango, December 9, Includes list of Ministros del Tribunal, with addresses: Pablo Rivera Canoa No. Herrera Portal de Santo Domingo No.

    Chalco, December 29, Toluca, December 30, Cuernavaca, January 23, Transmittal of Decreto No.

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    Introduction for Patricio Auge; request for aid in publication of Auge's translation of arithmetic text from German to Spanish. Toluca, February 22, Toluca, February 26, Toluca, February 27, Veracruz, March 26, Toluca, March 28, Toluca, April 7, Tlalmanalco, April 25, Chalco, April 27, Tlalmanalco, April 27, Includes unsigned draft of answer, July 17, , requesting further study and possible return to case. Includes draft of reply, July 22, , unsigned: Communication with Santiago and with Escudero; effort to reach settlement. Parangueo, October 15, Texcoco, October 18, Cuautla de Morelos, October 27, Matoso, Captain Luis F.

    Santander, December 21, Improving conditions in Mexico; news delivered by ships of Veracruz Line and ships en route to San Nazario; Manuel Romano; difficult conditions in Spain; slow progress of Carlist War; home near battle lines; effort to start a business; two nephews sent to Mexico to avoid war; work in El Puerto de Barcelona Portal de las Flores No. Toluca, January 14, Toluca, January 15, Santander, January 21, Political struggle between a Republic and a Constitutional Monarchy; distaste for Carlismo; increase in real values; disinclination to return to Mexico; Manuel Romano.

    Toluca, January 22, Toluca, January 29, Assumption of office during absence of Lic. Irapuato, February 10, Illness of Guadalupe; attentions of Dr. Includes note by N. Includes note by Riva Palacio concerning execution of will. Toluca, February 12, Sagrario Metropolitano, Mexico, February 25, Printed letter, signed with rubrics.

    Embossed with name of office. Texcoco, March 4, Birth of son; Vicente reported to have given up salary as general; wife Amadora. Lerma, April 16, Pachuca, April 17, Irapuato, May 3, Description of narrow escape from robbers on road to Celaya; Apaseo; Villadiego? Juzgado de lo Civil, Mexico, May 29, Request for confirmation of statements by heirs of intestate Lic. San Pedro Tlaxcoapam, June 4, Mexico, June 11, Cuautla de Morelos, June Transmittal of copy of Memoria presented to State Legislature of Morelos.

    Texcoco, July 12, Toluca, August 2, Stamp of Mexico State. Toluca, August 18, Printed seal of State. Refusal of Don Mariano to be part of Commission to settle problems of boundaries and debts of Mexico, Hidalgo, and Morelos; reason: Mexico, August 26, Hotel, September 14, Chalco, November 8, Toluca, November 18, Request for contribution toward furnishing prizes for graduating students.

    Rastro Tlane

    Mexico, November 28, Chalco, February 2, Offer of appointment as Padrino for the dedication of the new jail; nomination by the Sociedad de Mejoras materiales y de Beneficencia; others so honored: Parada, General Vicente Rosas Landa. Includes draft of reply, to Mariano Guerra Manzanares, Mexico, February 13, , declining the honor because of illness. Chalco, February 12, Printed letter signed with rubric. El munícipe reconoce que el rastro debió ser clausurado cuando él fue presidente municipal de Tlalnepantla por primera vez Biólogos de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México vinieron y me tacharon de irresponsable, de ser el culpable de permitir que el rastro siga operando en esas condiciones.

    El rastro de Tlalnepantla ya dio lo suyo. Si viene cualquier autoridad sanitaria nos va a cerrar, por muchas razones , reconoció el alcalde. El 24 de noviembre pasado, personal de la Comisión Federal de Prevención y Riesgos Sanitarios Cofepris colocó sellos de suspensión en la zona de matanza de reses, debido a que detectó carne contaminada por clembuterol. Se dejaron de producir al menos 70 toneladas de carne de res en canal. Este año la Cofepris apercibió al ayuntamiento a que ponga una solución tajante a ese foco de infección.

    El gobierno federal tiene razón al señalar la irresponsabilidad del gobierno municipal, al mantener el rastro en esas condiciones , reconoció Ugalde Meneses. El citado centro de matanza fue fundado en sobre 11 mil metros cuadrados de un predio dado en comodato a la alcaldía por parte de la familia Rosas, en la avenida Lerma, de la colonia La Romana. En el predio fue integrado oficialmente al patrimonio municipal. Desde , la presidencia municipal avaló concesionar a introductores de ganado la operación del rastro.

    Un policía municipal impide a la prensa el acceso al rastro.