Mini cámara espía hishimoto

The Todos Santos redbeds and the El Plan Formation are both shallow marine and hence may contain marginal marine facies favorable for uranium. In the southern and central Cordillera, the Valle de Angeles sediments, particularly the sandstones, may be of interest. The contacts between Permian granites and schists Paleozoic may also warrant attention. Lacking further information on which to base a more optimistic outlook, it is estimated that the uranium potential of.

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Genetic diversity of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum in Honduras. Understanding the population structure of Plasmodium species through genetic diversity studies can assist in the design of more effective malaria control strategies, particularly in vaccine development. Central America is an area where malaria is a public health problem, but little is known about the genetic diversity of the parasite's circulating species. This study aimed to investigate the allelic frequency and molecular diversity of five surface antigens in field isolates from Honduras.

Five molecular markers were analysed to determine the genotypes of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum from endemic areas in Honduras. Genetic diversity of ama-1, msp-1 and csp was investigated for P. Allelic frequencies were calculated and sequence analysis performed. A high genetic diversity was observed within Plasmodium isolates from Honduras. A different number of genotypes were elucidated: Pvcsp sequences showed VK as the only subtype present in Honduran isolates.

Pvmsp-1 F2 was the most polymorphic marker for P. However, K1 and 3D7 allelic families were predominant. All markers were randomly distributed across the country and no geographic correlation was found. To date, this is the most complete report on molecular characterization of P. These results indicate that P. Her novels Song of Solomon and Sula rank enormous and original literary creativity through which she shows what it means to survive as an individual in the black families of America.

Hence, this article explores the desperation and vulnerabilities of children who grow up in dysfunctional families and how they experience trauma and pain from their parents' unconventional actions and behaviors. The article accounts of the irregular experiences that the main characters of these two novels have to confront at hostile homes as they grow up changed, different from other children, and lack the essential educational guidance that prepare them for adulthood. Children are forced to assume unnatural roles within their families and, consequently, become dysfunctional members of society.

Los menores de edad son obligados a asumir roles anormales dentro de sus familias y en consecuencia se convierten en miembros disfuncionales de la sociedad. Pedro Miguel Ruiz Carranza. Febrero 3, - Septiembre 12, Con su muerte, Colombia y la ciencia perdieron a un gran trabajador y sus colegas a un gran amigo. Previous work has shown that southeastern Arizona has a characteristic, high diversity lowland riparian herpetofauna with or more species along major stream corridors, and species in shorter reaches within single biomes, based on intensive fieldwork and museum record surveys.

The San Pedro River supports this characteristic herpetofauna, at least some of Pedro Gutierrez Bueno's Textbooks: Audiences, Teaching Practices and Chemical Revolution. Pedro Gutierrez Bueno wrote two editions of a chemistry textbook between and The paper offers a comparative view of both editions taking into account Gutierrez Bueno's biography, his intended audience and the changes related to the so-called chemical revolution.

Some conclusions are at odds with common images about scientific…. The metalexicographical contribution of pedro a. This article attempts to give a critical review of Pedro A. It evaluates the book in view of the avail-able metalexicographical literature as well as current trends in practical LSP lexicography in the wake of rapid technological and Full Text Available Plastic particles are one of the most common pollutants in the marine environment and it is reaching regions with low human population density.

These particles are frequently ingested by many marine organisms, causing digestive problems, which may lead to the weakening and death of the animal. In a research on the feeding of masked boobies, Sula dactylatra from the Biological Reserve of Atol das Rocas, plastic particles were found in stomach contents of four adults. The artifacts found were made of transperant plastic, a piece of label of a mineral water bottle, two pieces of black plastic and a small hard and red piece.

The flow of fishing and tourism boats on the Atol das Rocas Biological Reserve may be the source of origin of the plastic parts in both the stomach contents and those found on the islands of the reserve, which suggests that anthropogenic behaviour has already reached isolated areas which should have a high degree of biodiversity protection.

A study of the population of Honduras through isonymy. In this work, we investigated surname distribution in 4,, Honduran electors with the aim of detecting population structure through the study of isonymy in three administrative levels: Principal components analysis, multidimensional scaling, and cluster analysis were performed on Lasker's distance matrix to detect the direction of surname diffusion and for a graphic representation of the surname relationship between different locations.

The results suggest that currently the population structure of this country is the result of the joint action of short-range directional migration and drift, with drift dominating over migration, and that population diffusion may have taken place mainly in the NW-SE direction. Can Maquila Booms Reduce Poverty? This paper identifies and estimates the strength of the reduction in poverty linked to improved opportunities for women in the expanding maquila sector.

Alternative education programmes and middle school dropout in Honduras. This article analyses dropout in three of the four main alternative lower secondary school programmes in Honduras over a three-year period for a cohort of roughly 5, students. The results show that these programmes are indeed reaching a vulnerable population in the country, but dropout rates are generally very high - upwards of 50 per cent in some cases - between Grades 7 and 9.

Furthermore, even in the control school comparison samples made up of formal lower secondary schools, about 25 per cent of children leave school between Grades 7 and 9. The authors' analysis includes propensity score matching PSM methods that make more focused comparisons between students in alternative programmes and control samples. These results show that dropout rates in alternative programmes are not much different than in control schools, and only significant in one programme comparison, when taking into account family background characteristics like socioeconomic status SES.

Multivariate analysis within alternative programme samples finds that attrition is lower in those learning centres which have adopted key features of formal schools, such as university-educated teachers. The results highlight the tremendous variation in the alternative middle school sector in terms of programme features, school quality and student outcomes, as well as the challenges of expanding this sector to meet the growing demand for lower secondary schooling in Honduras.

Sustainable energy policy in Honduras: In view of having a still unexploited potential of natural resources available for clean energy and the possibility of using the regional electricity market in Central America, Honduras has several potential energy sources. The growing dependence on oil and the imminent increase in international prices of fossil fuels, coupled with the necessity of changing the energy sector arrangement, the State of Honduras has taken the lead for the development of a long-term sustainable energy policy. This energy policy must be able to develop various energy sources and guide both, the government and the private sector, to the planning and development of alternative energy sources and sustainable growth of the Honduran economy.

In this paper, the various energy diagnoses and the potential for changing the Honduran energy mix are presented, as well as the investment required for sustainable management of the energy sector. Furthermore, the objectives of the energy policy and plan up to the year are presented, outlining the investment possibilities for the energy sector development, showing their costs and timeframes.

Death in the Afternoon: Honduras , Hemingway, and Duncan Strong. Full Text Available Archaeologist William Duncan Strong and author Ernest Hemingway are both known for the exemplary works they produced in their respective fields. Most people don't know the shared similarities in the parallel lives of these two men, and the greater social forces that shaped them. This essay takes a Hemingway-like approach to the life of Duncan Strong, using excerpts from Strong's expedition to Honduras in to draw analogy with the publicly renowned life of Ernest Hemingway.

Full Text Available Seventy-three species of amphibians and reptiles six salamanders, 20 anurans, 20 lizards, and 27 snakes are known from Parque Nacional Pico Bonito, Honduras. The physiography, climate, vegetation, and microhabitats of the park are briefly described. The primary microhabitat and relative abundance of each species are indicated and population declines are discussed.

A Threat to National Security. A Comparative Study of Honduras and Nicaragua. The largest are in energy, financial services, apparel, manufacturing, and fisheries. This kind of war is the. A paediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation training project in Honduras. It is possible that the exportation of North American and European models has hindered the creation of a structured cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR training programme in developing countries. The objective of this paper is to describe the design and present the results of a European paediatric and neonatal CPR training programme adapted to Honduras.

The programme was divided into four phases: CPR training and preparation of instructors; training for instructors; supervised teaching; and independent teaching. During the first phase, 24 Honduran doctors from paediatric intensive care, paediatric emergency and anaesthesiology departments attended the paediatric CPR course and 16 of them the course for preparation as instructors. In the second phase, workshops were given by Honduran instructors and four of them attended a CPR course in Spain as trainee instructors. In the final phase of independent teaching, eight courses were given, providing students with training in CPR.

The training of independent paediatric CPR groups with the collaboration and scientific assessment of an expert group could be a suitable model on which to base paediatric CPR training in Latin American developing countries. Copyright c Elsevier Ireland Ltd. We determined breeding parameters, foraging habits, and patterns of parental care, and evaluated their effects upon breeding success. Brown Boobies nested during a great part of the year, and exhibited 2 breeding peaks: We did not record predation, but adverse meteorological conditions caused the loss of eggs and chicks.

The longer foraging trips 5. Hurricane Mitch began as a tropical depression in the Caribbean Sea on 22 October After making landfall 2 days later 29 October , the storm drifted south and west across Honduras , wreaking destruction throughout the country before reaching the Guatemalan border on 31 October. According to the National Climate Data Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Climate Data Center, b , Hurricane Mitch ranks among the five strongest storms on record in the Atlantic Basin in terms of its sustained winds, barometric pressure, and duration.

Hurricane Mitch also was one of the worst Atlantic storms in terms of loss of life and property. The regionwide death toll was estimated to be more than 9,; thousands of people were reported missing. Agency for International Development, Honduras suffered the most widespread devastation during the storm.

Honduran officials estimated that Hurricane Mitch destroyed 50 years of economic development. In addition to the human and economic losses, intense flooding and landslides scarred the Honduran landscape - hydrologic and geomorphologic processes throughout the country likely will be affected for many years. As part of the U. Government's response to the disaster, the U. Such measurements, termed 'indirect' measurements, are used to determine peak flows when direct measurements using current meters or dye studies, for example cannot be made.

Analisis de las Condiciones de Salud del Nino de anos en Honduras. Reports that health conditions of young children birth to six years in Honduras are appalling and that available funds for health services are inadequate, reflecting the country's economic and social crisis. Chlamydia trachomatis and genital human papillomavirus infections in female university students in Honduras. Sexually transmitted infections are a serious health problem in Honduras. Human papillomavirus HPV and Chlamydia trachomatis are major causes of sexually transmitted diseases.

To determine the prevalence of C. Departments of Cortes and Meambar. A team of 11 educational facility planners and architects from the United States and Canada conducted a facility evaluation of schools in the rural areas of Meambar and Cortes, Honduras. Team members were all part of the Council of Educational Facility Planners, International and traveled to Honduras under the auspices of a Christian mission…. Full Text Available http: The characters Eva Peace and Mattie Michael provide great illustrations of black women who have denied many of the places reserved for them in society, consequently deconstructing controlling images white society imposes on them.

Em torno da luz cristalina: An internationalization strategy for Dom Pedro Hotels. This paper studies the internationalization process of Dom Pedro to South Brazil. This finding combined with a regional macro environment and hotel industry scanning helps deriving success factors for an expansion to South Brazil. Building on those factors, the market is analyzed regarding the most favorable hot A arquitectura das Termas romanas de S. We start this report with a general introduction in which the scarcity of studies about ancient thermalism in Portugal, and the bad preservation of the majority of the known ruins, is shown.

Several diggins were made in the 50's. Heat flow at the Platanares, Honduras , geothermal site. Borehole PLTG-1 exhibited an erratic temperature distribution attributed to fluid movement through a series of isolated horizontal and subhorizontal fractures. The maximum measured temperature in borehole PLTG-1 was Heat flow values of mWm -2 and mWm -2 represent the first directly-measured heat flow values for Honduras and northen Central America.

Radioactive heat generation, based on gamma-ray analyses of uranium, thorium and potassium in five core samples, is less than 2. Several authors have proposed a variety of extensional tectonic environments for western Honduras and these heat flow values, along with published estimates of heat flow, are supportive of this type of tectonic regime. Hydrology of the middle San Pedro area, southeastern Arizona. In the middle San Pedro Watershed in southeastern Arizona, groundwater is the primary source of water supply for municipal, domestic, industrial, and agricultural use.

The watershed comprises two smaller subareas, the Benson subarea and the Narrows-Redington subarea. Early 21st century projections for heavy population growth in the watershed have not yet become a reality, but increased groundwater withdrawals could have undesired consequences - such as decreased base flow to the San Pedro River, and groundwater-level declines - that would lead to the need to deepen existing wells. This report describes the hydrology, hydrochemistry, water quality, and development of a groundwater budget for the middle San Pedro Watershed, focusing primarily on the elements of groundwater movement that could be most useful for the development of a groundwater modelPrecipitation data from Tombstone, Arizona, and base flow at the stream-gaging station on the San Pedro River at Charleston both show relatively dry periods during the s through the mids and in the mids to , and wetter periods from the mids through the mids.

Water levels in four out of five wells near the mountain fronts show cyclical patterns of recharge, with rates of recharge greatest in the early s through the mids. Three wells near the San Pedro River recorded their lowest levels during the s to the mids. The water-level record from one well, completed in the confined part of the coarse-grained lower basin fill, showed a decline of approximately 21 meters. Annual flow of the San Pedro River, measured at the Charleston and Redington gages, has decreased since the s. The median annual streamflow and base flow at the gaging station on the river near Tombstone has decreased by 50 percent between the periods — and — Estimates of streamflow infiltration along the San Pedro River during — have decreased 44 percent, with the largest decreases in.

We discuss the results in the context of the feeding biology of the two species, which feed mainly on flying fish and squids. Frigatebirds capture prey from just above, or just below, the water surface in flight. The hook-shaped Apex maxillae in F. Boobies catch prey by plunging; thus, the dorsoventrally flattened skull and conical bill of S.

This results in low mechanical advantage for the mandible opening-closing lever, indicating adaptations for a fast, rather than a strong, bite. The Fossa musculorum temporalium and the Palatum osseum in both species provide a broad area for origins of the Musculus adductor mandibulae externus all parts and the Musculus pterygoideus.

The Processus orbitalis quadrati is longer and thicker in F. We suggest that Mm. In both species there is a mechanisms that contribute to protect the jaws from disarticulation and damage. Perceptions of stakeholders about nontraditional cookstoves in Honduras. We used SWOT-AHP strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats—analytical hierarchy process technique to measure perceptions of four stakeholder groups: We found that all stakeholder groups have a positive perception about the existing NTCS.

Employees and local promoters stakeholder groups share similar perceptions. Smokeless cooking was selected as a prime strength, closely followed by reduction in forest logging and greenhouse gas emissions by all stakeholder groups. Availability of financial resources and responsible management were identified as crucial opportunities. Time spent in wood preparation and NTCS maintenance were identified as principal weaknesses. A long waiting time between a request and installation of NTCS and the risk of losing existing financial resources were acknowledged as major threats.

Sustainable energy policy in Honduras. Developing a longitudinal cancer nursing education program in Honduras. The present paper is a longitudinal study which aims to develop and deliver cancer nursing education conferences in Honduras using volunteer nurse educators. This program intends to 1 perform site assessments of work environments and resources for cancer care in Honduras , 2 develop cancer nursing education programs, 3 survey conference participants continuing education needs, 4 deliver cancer nursing education conferences, and 5 share data with local and global partners for future cancer programs.

The study draws on a longitudinal program development with site assessments, data collection, and educational conferences at two time points. Assessments and surveys were used for conference development and delivery by volunteer nurse educators. Site assessments and conferences were delivered twice. Data were collected regarding assessments and surveys to inform program development.

Participants desired more information about handling of chemotherapy, symptom management, and palliative care. Volunteer nurse educators perform site assessments and develop educational programming for cancer nurses. Local and global partners should explore internet-based programs between site visits to create sustainable education programs.

New geochemical investigations in Platanares and Azacualpa geothermal sites Honduras. Platanares and Azacualpa geothermal sites of Honduras are located in an inner part of the Caribbean Plate far from the active volcanic front of Central America. Here geology indicates that there are not the conditions for the occurrence of shallow magmatic heat sources for high-enthalpy geothermal resources. Geothermal perspectives are related to the possibility of a deep circulation of meteoric water along faults and the storage of the heated fluid in fractured permeable reservoirs. Calcite scaling, with subordinate silica deposition has to be expected in both sites.

CO2 soil flux investigations have been carried out in both areas and reveal the presence of positive anomalies likely corresponding to the presence at depth of fractured degassing geothermal reservoirs. Compared with the geothermal areas of Central Italy whose reservoirs are hosted in carbonate rocks, e. Latera Chiodini et al.

We used SWOT-AHP strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats-analytical hierarchy process technique to measure perceptions of four stakeholder groups: To determine the prevalence of blindness and visual impairment in Honduras , its causes and the response by the health services to growing demand. A cross-sectional population study was conducted between June and December using the standard methodology of the Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness. Visual acuity VA was assessed using a Snellen eye chart, and the condition of the lens and posterior pole was examined by direct ophthalmoscopy.

The main barriers against cataract surgery were cost The prevalence of blindness and visual impairment in Honduras is similar to that of other Latin American countries. Canadian electrical techies help hurricane relief in Honduras. A review of the emergency assistance provided to Honduras by Canada following Hurricane Mitch that struck the country with a ferocity not seen in years, was described. Thousands of Hondurans were killed and three million were left homeless as vast regions of the country were literally washed away.

The secondary effects of the storm - famine and disease - set in to claim even more lives. The Canadian Forces' Disaster Response Team DART was dispatched to conduct emergency relief operations for up to 40 days in order to bridge the gap until members of the international community arrive to provide long-term help.

DART focused on providing medical care, clean drinking water, an engineering capability, and reliable communications. The medical team consisting of a small field hospital with a staff of 45 provided care for up to outpatients and 30 inpatients daily, depending on the severity of injuries. The engineering team of about 40 provided a wide range of services, such as water purification, using a reverse osmosis water purification unit, fresh water distribution and power generation.

The communications unit provided contact with headquarters in Honduras , and communicated with bases back in Canada. The operation was a great success, and well received by the Honduran people. This was the first deployment of DART, a team initially conceived after the Canadian Forces participated in relief efforts in Rwanda in and Mission Specialist Pedro Duque undergoes equipment check prior to launch.

The STS crew were conducting flight crew equipment fit checks prior to launch on Oct. STS is expected to launch at 2 p. The STS mission, targeted for launch at 2 p. Drug consumption by medical students in tegucigalpa, Honduras Uso de drogas entre estudiantes de medicina, tegucigalpa, Honduras O uso de drogas entre estudantes de medicina em tegucigalpa, Honduras. The most used substances include legal and recreational drugs, such as alcohol. This study aimed to identify the use of drugs and socio-demographic factors in a sample of medical students.

Average age of 20 years old, unemployed and religious women, single, with no children.

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Alcohol was the most consumed drug in the last six months for recreational purposes. The following stimulants were frequently consumed: Drugs like marijuana, cocaine, valium and sedatives were used in smaller proportions. The reasons reported by women were: The men's reasons were recreation and to alleviate psychological tension. This research has implications for the development of drugs prevention programs in universities.

Los estimulantes de consumo frecuente: Las razones de uso para mujeres fueron: First record of the invasive Asian fish tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi in Honduras , Central America. This paper provides the first report of the invasive Asian fish tapeworm, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Yamaguti, , in Honduras. The cestode was found in Profundulus portillorum Cyprinodontiformes: Profundulidae , which represents a new host record, and which is a member of a genus faced with a variety of conservation challenges, now potentially complicated by the presence of this pathogenic cestode.

Nearly complete sequence data from the ITS-1 5. Several species of carp were introduced to Honduras for aquaculture purposes in the early s and the presence of the Asian fish tapeworm in Honduras may be related to these introductions. The first case of Chikungunya virus in Honduras was identified in The virus has spread widely across Honduras via the Aedes aegypti mosquito, leading to an outbreak of Chikungunya virus CHIKV in that significantly impacted children.

A retrospective chart review of children diagnosed with CHIKV and admitted to the National Autonomous University of Honduras Hospital Escuela Hospital Escuela in Tegucigalpa, Honduras , was accomplished with patients who were assessed for clinical features and neurologic complications.

Of children admitted to Hospital Escuela with CHIKV, the majority had symptoms of fever, generalized erythematous rash, and irritability. Fourteen percent had clinical arthritis. Ten percent of patients had seizures. Six percent had meningoencephalitis. There were 2 childhood deaths during the course of this study, one from meningoencephalitis and another from myocarditis.

Chikungunya virus can cause severe complications in children, the majority of which impact the central nervous system. As PEDro is considered a key resource to support evidence-based physical therapy, analyses of PEDro usage could reflect the extent of dissemination of evidence-based practice. PEDro home-page sessions and the number of searches performed were logged for a 5-year period Europe had the highest absolute and relative usage among the five regions of the WCPT searches per million-population per year , with the South American region ranked 4th in absolute terms and 3rd in relative terms PEDro is not widely and equally used throughout Brazil.

Mareros and pandilleros in Honduras: The focus of this research is on the reintegration of youth gang members in Honduras. The aim of this qualitative study is to broaden the knowledge of reintegration processes and programs in one specific country in Central America, namely, Honduras. A sample of fourteen interviews with stakeholders in the field of maras and pandillas has been investigated and the results revealed some similarities between the different methods of reintegration.

Our data suggest that a comprehensive process, i Quality, language, subdiscipline and promotion were associated with article accesses on Physiotherapy Evidence Database PEDro. To quantify the relationship between the number of times articles are accessed on the Physiotherapy Evidence Database PEDro and the article characteristics. A secondary aim was to examine the relationship between accesses and the number of citations of articles. The study was conducted to derive prediction models for the number of accesses of articles indexed on PEDro from factors that may influence an article's accesses.

We extracted variables relating to the algorithm used to present PEDro search results research design, year of publication, PEDro score, source of systematic review Cochrane or non-Cochrane plus language, subdiscipline of physiotherapy, and whether articles were promoted to PEDro users. Three predictive models were examined using multiple regression analysis. Citation and journal impact factor were downloaded.

There were 29, articles indexed in this period. We identified seven factors that predicted the number of accesses. More accesses were noted for factors related to the algorithm used to present PEDro search results synthesis research i. The musculoskeletal, neurology, orthopaedics, sports, and paediatrics subdisciplines were associated with more accesses. We also found that there was no association between number of accesses and citations.

The number of times an article is accessed on PEDro is partly predicted by how condensed and high quality the evidence it contains is. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Security Policies from a Spatial Perspective: Full Text Available Public insecurity became a central issue for many Hondurans in the late s, as crime, delinquency and homicide increased significantly in the isthmus. Honduras had the second highest homicide rate This social violence triggered insecurity and fear, which was further accompanied by the overall perception that the state was unable of relieving or protecting the population.

It understands security policies as territorial strategies that attempt to reduce social violence and impose control. The Elections in Honduras: Full Text Available In late Honduras experienced one of the most important elections in its history. After withdrawal of the presence of Manuel Zelaya in , and the government of Porfirio "Pepe" Lobo , the traditional Honduran bipartisanship and the strong emergence of the "left" in the political scene was first questioned. The party structures of the Partido Nacional and the Partido Liberal, however, have maintained as a key political forces in the Honduran political system, having preserved the political leadership of the country's major cities.

Description and epizootiology of Babesia poelea n. There was no significant relation between the age of chicks and the degree of parasitemia. Parasitized red cells and red cell nuclei were significantly smaller than those of unparasitized cells, and infected birds appeared clinically normal. On the basis of morphologic characteristics, we named it Babesia poelea.

The specific name is a concatenation of the Hawaiian names for dark po'ele and booby 'a. This is the second documentation of an endemic avian hemoparasite in seabirds from the central Pacific. Roatan Island is the largest of the Bay Islands of Honduras. These islands form an emergent crest off the Caribbean coast of Honduras called the Bonacca Ridge.

This fault system forms the tectonic plate boundary between the North American and Caribbean plates. Although the timing and kinematics are poorly constrained, the Bay Islands and the Bonacca Ridge were likely uplifted due to transpression along this left-lateral strike-slip system. With limited regional exposures along the adjacent tectonic boundary, this study aimed to present a structural interpretation for Roatan. This new interpretation is further explained through regional considerations for a suggested geologic history of the northwestern Caribbean.

In order to better constrain the kinematics of uplift and exhumation of Roatan Island, structural, gravity, and magnetic surveys were conducted. Principal attention was directed to the structural relationship between the geologic units and their relationship to one another through deformation. Resulting geologic cross-sections from this study present the metamorphic basement exposed throughout the island to be in a normal structural order consisting of biotite schist and gneiss, with overlying units of chlorite schist, carbonate, and conglomerate.

These units have relatively concordant strike and dip measurements, consistent with resultant magnetic survey readings. Additionally, large and irregular bodies of amphibolite and serpentinite throughout the island are interpreted to have been emplaced as mafic and ultra-mafic intrusions in weakness zones along Early Paleogene transform system fault planes. The interpretation and suggested geologic history from this study demonstrate the importance of transpressive tectonics both local to Roatan and regionally throughout geologic history.

Examining the cost of delivering routine immunization in Honduras.

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Many countries have introduced new vaccines and expanded their immunization programs to protect additional risk groups, thus raising the cost of routine immunization delivery. Honduras recently adopted two new vaccines, and the country continues to broaden the reach of its program to adolescents and adults.

In this article, we estimate and examine the economic cost of the Honduran routine immunization program for the year The data were gathered from a probability sample of 71 health facilities delivering routine immunization, as well as 8 regional and 1 central office of the national immunization program. Data were collected on vaccinations delivered, staff time dedicated to the program, cold chain equipment and upkeep, vehicle use, infrastructure, and other recurrent and capital costs at each health facility and administrative office. Annualized economic costs were estimated from a modified societal perspective and reported in US dollars.

Cost per dose was higher in rural facilities despite somewhat lower wage rates for health workers in these settings; this appears to be driven by lower demand for services per health worker in sparsely populated areas, rather than increased cost of outreach. These more-precise estimates of the operational costs to deliver routine immunizations provide program managers with important information for mobilizing resources to help sustain the program and for improving annual planning and budgeting as well as longer.

A new scorpion species of genus Diplocentrus Peters, Scorpiones: Diplocentridae endemic to Islas de la Bahia, Honduras. Three species of genus Diplocentrus are found in north-northwestern Honduras. These species represent the southern east limits of Diplocentrus' distribution. In recent years, a broad survey of arachnids in Honduras has yielded a collection of several specimens of an undescribed species from two islands in northern Honduras. This new species represents the second species of the genus inhabiting an island.

The present contribution describes this new species, and compares it against its most similar relatives. A dichotomous key for the identification of the species of Diplocentrus in Honduras is also included. Published by Elsevier SAS. The STS mission, targeted for liftoff at 2 p. The mission is expected to last 8 days, 21 hours and 49 minutes, and return to KSC on Nov. The final fitting takes place prior to the crew walkout and transport to Launch Pad 39B.


Targeted for launch at 2 p. The apparition of glass as a new material in sculpture dates from the middle of the XXth century. Spain has incorporated the sculptoric possibilities of glass later than other countries, but it has had an important following by an important group of sculptors. This article traces the history of his artistic evolution. In the beginning his sculptures were very constructive and rational. Later, he developed a special technique working on glass in the process of formation through heat. Encuesta nacional de ceguera y deficiencia visual evitables en Honduras.

This report on the radio schools in Honduras , Central America, includes 1 an account of an afternoon session of the radio school's Primary Equivalence Programme PEPA , including a testimonial of a student and a statement regarding the importance of the monitors; 2 information on the social background of Honduras ; 3 an historical account of…. Nutritional quality of foods marketed to children in Honduras.

Evidence suggests that exposure to advertising of unhealthy foods may contribute to increased rates of obesity in children. This study examined the extent to which television stations marketed unhealthy foods to children during after-school programming aired over one week in La Ceiba, Honduras.

Content analysis was performed on four television stations, including one broadcast station and three cable networks. Eighty hours of programming were recorded and analyzed. Advertised products were categorized as food or non-food items, with food items further classified as healthy or unhealthy. Advertisements were coded as those aimed at children, adults, or both, and chi-square tests were used to compare the proportion of unhealthy advertisements by target audience.

A total of advertisements aired during the observation period, with marketing products Of those, The unhealthy foods were all advertised on cable networks and not the broadcast station. Children appeared to be targeted more than adults in advertisements for unhealthy foods This article reports on the use of children as message carriers in a rural water and sanitation project in western Honduras.

The Honduran Water and Sanitation Project represents the 1st such effort to have a specific health education component. It was decided to direct the education component toward children because of their important role in providing and handling drinking water and caring for younger members of the family.

Rural primary schools surfaced as a potential channel of communication. Each comic book contains a single-concept message, e. The 1st module was pretested in 3 rural schools. Prevalence of depression among mothers of young children in Honduras. Maternal depression is a substantial problem that has negative consequences on the health of both mother and child.

Little research has been done on the prevalence of maternal depression in the developing world. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of current depression among mothers in Honduras and identify demographic predictors of depression in this sample. A modified Spanish version of the PHQ-9 and a demographic questionnaire were administered by trained interviewers to rural and urban women aged who had children between 1 and 10 years old. Prevalence of current major depressive syndrome was None of the demographic variables measured, including age, number of children, or marital status predicted major depression in this sample.

Maternal depression occurred at a high rate in this sample of Honduran women. The estimated prevalence rates in this study are similar to rates of maternal depression in studies of mothers in other Latin American countries, as well as in samples of mothers on Medicaid in the United States. Further study is needed to confirm and extend these findings, and to identify predictors of maternal depression in this population. In-hospital pediatric cardiac arrest in Honduras.

The objective of this study was to analyze the characteristic and the prognostic factors of in-hospital pediatric cardiac arrest CA in a public hospital Honduras. A prospective observational study was performed on pediatric in-hospital CA as a part of a multicenter international study.

One hundred forty-six children were studied. The primary end point was survival at hospital discharge. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the influence of each factor on mortality. Cardiac arrest occurred in the emergency department in Respiratory diseases and sepsis were predominant causes of CA.

The factors related with mortality were nonrespiratory cause of CA odds ratio [OR], 2. In-hospital CA in children in a developing country has low survival. Patients with nonrespiratory causes and those who need adrenaline administration and prolonged resuscitation had worse prognosis. In Central America, few cases of leprosy have been reported, but the disease may be unrecognized. Diagnosis is based on clinical criteria and histology. Preliminary field work in Nicaragua and Honduras found patients, including many children, with skin lesions clinically suggestive of atypical cutaneous leishmaniasis or indeterminate leprosy.

Histology could not distinguish these diseases although acid-fast organisms were visible in a few biopsies. Lesions healed after standard antimicrobial therapy for leprosy. In the present study, patients, family members, and other community members were skin-tested and provided nasal swabs and blood samples. Biopsies were taken from a subgroup of patients with clinical signs of infection. Two laboratories analyzed samples, using local in-house techniques. Mycobacterium leprae , Leishmania spp.

Mycobacterium leprae DNA was detected in blood samples and nasal swabs, including some cases where leprosy was not clinically suspected. Mycobacterium leprae DNA was also detected and sequenced from Nicaraguan and Honduran environmental samples. In conclusion, leprosy and leishmaniasis are present in both regions, and leprosy appears to be widespread.

The nature of any relationship between these two pathogens and the epidemiology of these infections need to be elucidated. Abstract Background Cervical cancer is a leading cause of cancer death for women in Latin America, and vaccinating against human papillomavirus HPV has the potential to limit this disease. First, we collected demographic information and assessed knowledge related to cervical cancer prevention and awareness of HPV and HPV vaccination.

Because most participants were not familiar with HPV, education about the relationships among HPV, sexual activity, and cervical cancer was provided before we asked participants if they would accept HPV vaccination for a 9-year-old daughter. We used multivariable logistic regression to determine predictors of vaccine acceptance. Results We interviewed mothers. Mothers who intended to vaccinate knew more at baseline about cervical cancer prevention than did those who did not endorse vaccination.

Demographic characteristics did not predict vaccine acceptance. However, most Honduran mothers would accept HPV vaccination for their daughters after receiving education about the relationship between HPV infection and cervical cancer. Baseline cervical cancer knowledge was associated with vaccine acceptance. Os primeiros filmes de Joaquim Pedro de Andrade: His reflections on relations between fiction cinema and documentary, besides the specificities of the cinematographic language are highlighted.

Efficacy of chloroquine for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Honduras. Chloroquine CQ is officially used for the primary treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Honduras. In this study, the therapeutic efficacy of CQ for the treatment of uncomplicated P. Sixty-eight patients from 6 months to 60 years of age microscopically diagnosed with uncomplicated P. This finding shows that CQ remains highly efficacious for the treatment of uncomplicated P.

In a cross-sectional survey of chronically ill adults conducted in Honduras between June and August , respondents reported their receipt of remittances, health service use, and cost-related access barriers. Seventy-four percent of respondents receiving remittances reported a decrease over the prior year, mostly due to job losses among their relatives abroad. In multivariate models, respondents experiencing a reduction in remittances used fewer health services and medications due to cost concerns. Remittance payments from relatives resident in the United States are a major source of income for chronically ill individuals in Latin America.

Most recipients of remittances reported a reduction during the financial downturn that affected their access to care. Las hermanas de los pobres de San Pedro Claver. Increased prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Honduras , Central America Aumento de la prevalencia de malaria por Plasmodium falciparum en Honduras , Centroamerica. We tested patients with fever and chills using thin and thick blood film microscopy. Sixteen patients lived in the city and the rest lived in rural areas.

In the urban area, all 15 infected patients had P. A random fifth of those with a screener-based probability of diabetes Honduras and could be used to identify diabetic patients in poor clinics in Latin America. Pero principalmente son escritos que fueron pensados para persuadir a los receptores de la veracidad de sus argumentos. Antibiotic resistance patterns in fecal bacteria isolated from Christmas shearwater Puffinus nativitatis and masked booby Sula dactylatra at remote Easter Island.


Antibiotic use and its implications have been discussed extensively in the past decades. This situation has global consequences when antibiotic resistance becomes widespread in the intestinal bacterial flora of stationary and migratory birds. This study investigated the incidence of fecal bacteria and general antibiotic resistance, with special focus on extended spectrum beta-lactamase ESBL isolates, in two species of seabirds at remote Easter Island. We identified 11 species of bacteria from masked booby Sula dactylatra and Christmas shearwater Puffinus nativitatis ; five species of gram-negative bacilli, four species of Streptococcus Enterococcus , and 2 species of Staphylococcus.

In addition, 6 types of bacteria were determined barely to the genus level. General antibiotic susceptibility was measured in the 30 isolated Enterobacteriaceae to 11 antibiotics used in human and veterinary medicine. The 10 isolates that showed a phenotypic ESBL profile were verified by clavulanic acid inhibition in double mixture discs with cefpodoxime, and two ESBL strains were found, one strain in masked booby and one strain in Christmas shearwater.

The two bacteria harboring the ESBL type were identified as Serratia odorifera biotype 1, which has zoonotic importance. Despite minimal human presence in the masked booby and Christmas shearwater habitats, and the extreme geographic isolation of Easter Island, we found several multiresistant bacteria and even two isolates with ESBL phenotypes. The finding of ESBLs has animal and public health significance and is of potential concern, especially because the investigation was limited in size and indicated that antibiotic-resistant bacteria now are distributed globally.

Gender relations and reproductive decision making in Honduras. Gender differences influence decision making about reproductive health. Most information on reproductive health decision making in Latin America has come from women's reports of men's involvement. Data were collected in Honduras in through two national surveys that used independent samples of men aged years and women aged Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to identify factors associated with male-centered decision-making attitudes and behaviors regarding family size and family planning use.

For women, having no children and being in a consensual union were each associated with holding male-centered decision-making attitudes; having less than a secondary education, being of medium or low socioeconomic status and living in a rural area were each associated with male-centered decision making.

Among men, having less than secondary education and being in a consensual union were each associated with male-centered decision-making attitudes and behavior. Women who had ever used or were currently using modern methods were significantly less likely to hold attitudes supporting male-centered decision-making than were those who relied on traditional methods and those who had never used a modern method. Programs should recognize power imbalances between genders that affect women's ability to meet their stated fertility desires.

In rural areas, programs should target men, encouraging them to communicate with their wives on reproductive decisions. Full Text Available Not available. A community-driven hypertension treatment group in rural Honduras. We formed a self-funded hypertension treatment group in a resource-poor community in rural Honduras. After training community health workers and creating protocols for standardized treatment, we used group membership fees to maintain the group, purchase generic medications in bulk on the local market, and hire a physician to manage treatment.

We then assessed whether participation in the group improved treatment, medication adherence, and hypertension control. This is a program evaluation using quasi-experimental design and no control group. Using data from the 86 members of the hypertension treatment group, we analyzed baseline and follow-up surveys of members, along with 30 months of clinical records of treatment, medication adherence, and blood pressure readings.

Our initial hypertension needs assessment revealed that at baseline, community hypertensives relied on the local Ministry of Health clinic as their source of anti-hypertensive medications and reported that irregular supply interfered with medication adherence. At baseline, hypertension group members were mainly female, overweight or obese, physically active, non-smoking, and non-drinking. After 30 months of managing the treatment group, we found a significant increase in medication adherence, from Proyectos generadores de empleos para los sectores energetico y minero de Honduras. A mission to Honduras invited by the Government of Honduras and sponsored by the Organization of American States addressed the generation of employment in various areas of interest to the country.

The mission was made up of experts from numerous countries and international agencies. In the energy sector, the mission recommended consolidating the sector under a coordinating body; carrying out projects to promote reforestation, tree farms, and rational forest utilization; encouraging industrial energy conservation; developing alternative energy sources; and promoting rural electrification and expansion of the electrical grid. In the mining sector, the mission supported promotion and technical assistance for small gold-leaching and placer operations, the national mineral inventory, detailed exploration of promising sites, and the development of a mining school.

Hydrogeologic framework of the middle San Pedro watershed, southeastern Arizona. Dickinson, Jesse; Kennedy, Jeffrey R. Water managers in rural Arizona are under increasing pressure to provide sustainable supplies of water despite rapid population growth and demands for environmental protection. This report describes the results of a study of the hydrogeologic framework of the middle San Pedro watershed.

The components of this report include: The lithologic interpretations based on geophysical data and unit thickness and extent of the HGUs included in the HFM define potential configurations of hydraulic zones and parameters that can be incorporated in groundwater-flow models.

pedro sula honduras: Topics by

The hydrogeologic framework comprises permeable and impermeable stratigraphic units: The bedrock unit includes Proterozoic to Cretaceous crystalline rocks, sedimentary rocks, and limestone that are relatively impermeable and poor aquifers, except for saturated portions of limestone. The pre-basin-and-range sediments underlie the lower basin fill but are relatively impermeable owing to cementation. However, they may be an important water-bearing unit where fractured. Alluvium of the lower basin fill, the main water-bearing unit, was deposited in the structural trough between the uplifted ridges of bedrock and or pre-basin-and-range sediments.

This speech of the president of the Chilean Academy of Medicine, Dr Alejandro Goic, is a tribute to the memory of the Spanish physician, scholar, historian, writer and intellectual Dr. Desafortunadamente, vivimos en un mundo donde los peligros nos rodean y a nuestros seres queridos. Por esto, debemos hacer todo lo que podamos para mantener la seguridad de nuestros hijos o negocios. Ahí es donde entra mSpy. El software avanzado de esta aplicación de monitoreo permite a los padres y empleadores mantener vigilada a algunas personas.

Los dueños de negocios confían en que mSpy es la mejor herramienta para mantener la integridad de sus empleados. Lo siguiente debe ser cumplido por los dueños de negocios:. Una vez instalado en el teléfono o Tablet, el software de monitoreo comienza a guardar todo, incluyendo registros de llamadas, ubicación GPS, emails, historial de navegación, mensajes de texto, chats, fotos y videos. Simplemente ingrese a su cuenta mSpy desde cualquier dispositivo con Internet y revise los detalles del dispositivo vigilado por nuestra aplicación. Para instalar mSpy en un dispositivo sin Jailbreak, debe obtener las credenciales iCloud del dispositivo e ingresar las características que desea monitorear.

Cualquier persona que esté buscando un software de monitoreo avanzado, pero no quiere tener que hacer un jailbreak a un dispositivo para recibir esos servicios. No hay instalación física necesaria. Solo es necesario tener acceso a las credenciales de iCloud del usuario. Para aquellos que buscan una amplia variedad de funciones de monitoreo para dispositivos iOS, sugerimos la opción tradicional de mSpy, pero el dispositivo debe tener Jailbreak para acceder a estas herramientas.

A pesar de ser virtual, los riesgos que enfrentan son muy verdaderos. Sin supervisión, los niños podrían tomar decisiones irresponsables que los podrían exponer a peligros como drogas, alcohol, abuso cibernético, sexo prematuro y otros comportamientos incorrectos.

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  4. Cuando los padres mantienen un ojo en sus hijos, estos peligros pueden ser prevenidos. La respuesta es sí. Nuestro software fue diseñado para ayudar a mantener a los niños seguros y la productividad de los empleados. Revise Mensajes Consiga acceso a chats y mensajes de un dispositivo de seguimiento. Almacene sus datos Almacene, respalde o borre de forma segura Sus registros y datos en cualquier momento.

    Monitoree multiples dispositivos Instalar en Android o iOS, cambie dispositivos cuando sea necesario. Algunas de las características clave mSpy para supervisión del teléfono que puede utilizar son: Redes Sociales Manténgase informado sobre todos los chats que tienen lugar a través de las redes social en el dispositivo monitoreado. WhatsApp Monitoree las aplicaciones de comunicación populares como WhatsApp. SMS Vea cualquier mensaje de texto enviado o recibido por el dispositivo objetivo.

    Revise historial de emails en dispositivos monitoreados. Monitoreo GPS Revise la ubicación de sus empleados. Ver todos los sitios web visitados por el usuario monitoreado. Vea todas las características. Lo siguiente debe ser cumplido por los dueños de negocios: